Flat & Crown Green Bowling
Some Key Considerations
A flat green is completely level whereas, as the name suggests, a crown green falls away from its central point with the corner levels being 254mm to 380mm lower.
NTS have access to high quality survey and analysis technology, working alongside an approved independent soil laboratory to identify the characteristics of the local topsoil and subsoil.
NTS provide specialist input early on during the design phase to prevent issues later on in the project. For example, to avoid shadows being cast over the bowling surface, wherever possible the green should be located away from trees or large buildings.
For flat greens there are statutory guidelines for the dimensions of the outer ditch channel. These can be constructed from timber boards or precast concrete kerbs, or alternatively there are now pre-cast units available that specifically comply to Bowls England criteria.
It’s important the perimeter ditch includes an inert fill material that will not damage the bowls. There are several options available which NTS are able to advise on.
Maintenance of the green surface is key. NTS can provide a detailed maintenance schedule and advice on equipment and training courses.