At Natural Turf Solutions, Health and Safety is our primary consideration. The continued well being of our staff, clients and members of the public is taken very seriously. Following a detailed operational review by Company Directors, together with our Health and Safety Consultant, we confirm as follows; The vast majority of our services (such as Read more…
NTS Appointed for ‘Banana Pitch’ Improvements!
Affectionately known locally as the ‘Banana Pitch’, from the images attached it’s no secret that this Colwyn Bay football facility could benefit from improvements. And NTS are delighted to have been appointed as specialist consultants to oversee these works from start to finish. As part of the feasibility works, a targeted soil sampling process was Read more…
NTS Secure Kingsclere Project
NTS are pleased to have been selected as consultant to oversee much needed improvement works to sports pitches at The Fieldgate Centre, Kingsclere. The existing site includes a cricket square and outfield, full size rugby pitch and two junior football pitches. Poor drainage hinders the usage of the area, particularly during the winter months when Read more…