NTS Secure Kingsclere Project

NTS are pleased to have been selected as consultant to oversee much needed improvement works to sports pitches at The Fieldgate Centre, Kingsclere.

The existing site includes a cricket square and outfield, full size rugby pitch and two junior football pitches. Poor drainage hinders the usage of the area, particularly during the winter months when waterlogged conditions often prevent play.

A detailed project specification has been developed in order to address the drainage issues and establish a robust grass surface favourable for winter usage. The specification is based on the highest level category of the IOG Performance Quality standards.

Works will comprise installation of primary and secondary drainage, surface cultivations and grass surface establishment. Importantly the contract will also incorporate a 12 month period of post construction maintenance.

A formal tender process has been carried out with NTS analysing each contractor bid. Works are expected to commence onsite in Autumn 2019.

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