NTS Appointed for ‘Banana Pitch’ Improvements!

Affectionately known locally as the ‘Banana Pitch’, from the images attached it’s no secret that this Colwyn Bay football facility could benefit from improvements. And NTS are delighted to have been appointed as specialist consultants to oversee these works from start to finish.

As part of the feasibility works, a targeted soil sampling process was carried out with site samples being sent for laboratory analysis to evaluate a range of soil physical and chemical characteristics. This information enabled an accurate project budget indication to be arrived at. In addition to this a works programme was put together to provide our client a clear picture of the duration of the proposed construction works and when the new pitch will be available for use.

Using in-house CAD design software, NTS were then able to provide accurate plans which proved particularly useful when ascertaining proposed finished levels and how this would tie in with the surround land.

NTS are looking forward to seeing the project through to completion.

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