Covid-19 Statement Update

At Natural Turf Solutions, Health and Safety is our primary consideration. The continued well being of our staff, clients and members of the public is taken very seriously. Following a detailed operational review by Company Directors, together with our Health and Safety Consultant, we confirm as follows;

The vast majority of our services (such as feasibility studies, design work, planning applications, project specification, project tendering) are desktop based and measures have been taken to ensure we can continue to provide these services during the current situation.

In terms of services that are not desktop based, NTS continue to carry out site surveys/visits where needed. Where on-site survey work is not required, ‘face to face’ meetings will be accommodated using Zoom/ Microsoft Teams or other video conferencing platforms.

The scope of works that our site surveys normally encompass is possible in accordance with current Government guidelines. Prior to the day of any site visit, an assessment would be taken on a site-by-site basis to ensure this.

On the day of the site visit, our procedures involve making a telephone call to a designated site contact to let them know when we arrive so the facility can be unlocked as required. Another telephone call is then made when we leave site. Appropriate PPE would be worn. We are fully self sufficient in terms of not requiring any services to be able to carry out our site survey/site visits.

Our site survey work is entirely outdoor based and normally involves only one surveyor. On the few occasions that two surveyors are required, social distancing will be followed and our surveyors travel to and from site in separate vehicles.

Natural Turf Solutions will continue to monitor the evolving situation on a day-by-day basis and ensure that Government guidelines are adhered to in these exceptional times.

NTS Appointed for ‘Banana Pitch’ Improvements!

Affectionately known locally as the ‘Banana Pitch’, from the images attached it’s no secret that this Colwyn Bay football facility could benefit from improvements. And NTS are delighted to have been appointed as specialist consultants to oversee these works from start to finish.

As part of the feasibility works, a targeted soil sampling process was carried out with site samples being sent for laboratory analysis to evaluate a range of soil physical and chemical characteristics. This information enabled an accurate project budget indication to be arrived at. In addition to this a works programme was put together to provide our client a clear picture of the duration of the proposed construction works and when the new pitch will be available for use.

Using in-house CAD design software, NTS were then able to provide accurate plans which proved particularly useful when ascertaining proposed finished levels and how this would tie in with the surround land.

NTS are looking forward to seeing the project through to completion.

NTS Secure Kingsclere Project

NTS are pleased to have been selected as consultant to oversee much needed improvement works to sports pitches at The Fieldgate Centre, Kingsclere.

The existing site includes a cricket square and outfield, full size rugby pitch and two junior football pitches. Poor drainage hinders the usage of the area, particularly during the winter months when waterlogged conditions often prevent play.

A detailed project specification has been developed in order to address the drainage issues and establish a robust grass surface favourable for winter usage. The specification is based on the highest level category of the IOG Performance Quality standards.

Works will comprise installation of primary and secondary drainage, surface cultivations and grass surface establishment. Importantly the contract will also incorporate a 12 month period of post construction maintenance.

A formal tender process has been carried out with NTS analysing each contractor bid. Works are expected to commence onsite in Autumn 2019.